Love and Romance

Hey ppl my this dead blog is so dead but i like it... it then can be what journals used to be... PRIVATE :D:D yet i am posting it here as i do not mind this being read... just not too many nosy ppl wld be great yeah?..

Anyway after this long time lapse so many things have changed.. ppl have gone from jobless to having a great paying job... ppl going from single to attached to married or even single again (not that its a good thing). As for me... I used to think that being single has it advantages which outweighs more than being attached.. then again God has sent me an angel from heaven( not many ppl my concur with me.. after all beauty is in the eye's of the beholder) This wonderful blessing of my life has not only changed me...
All along i felt that i would prefer staying single unless i found right one that really churns me inside out and i go for it... For me I m usually a passive person that prefers to be out of sight until my target or what i am determined to work for comes in sight then i get motivated and go for it...
Since i have known her actually i have always admired her candidness and ability to think in ways that i myself cannot fathom.. perhaps its her thinking that really have the death grip on me along with her wonderful personality that further strengthens it. It was until not so recent.. That really felt attracted and inevitably falling head over heels for her... Her nonchalant attitude at first was frustrating yet it was what kept me going. For i had to prove myself over and over.
Yet with her knowledge on my personal life she still accepted me as i were and loved me. This alone has made me so thankful and more assured that she is the one... although in future things might happen but my mentality is always the same.... She is the one...
You guys may ask why am i so sure? My answer is one can never be sure.. unless you Make Sure of it... Honestly so many ppl can say who is the perfect one for u.. How do you noe? To me there's no such thing as the perfect one for u... for even the perfect is imperfect in contrast to God's image. The only way is to work hard and ensure she is the perfect one for urself... This is where the test and stuff comes in.. it is over time she will become the perfect one for me.. However, she is the one i envisioned to be the one thru health and thru sickness and till old...
Of course if in future things were to happen and i cant stop it. Then it just have to happen... i cant change what i cant change... yet i can change myself and cherish every moment...
I realize how i love myself more now not because i cherish myself more or wad.. but because now my health and everything about me i chose to be accountable to my love... for knowing that anything were to happen to me would hurt her deeply...
Anyway signing off and cont doing wad i was doing...

Dear EICHIEN... Ur Loved and I Love you!
PS. when ur in china i gain weight coz i keep having bulimic tendencies while i think of u when ur not in sg.. :( hope u dun love me less for that.. HAHA