When the smart ain't so smart after all

Hi all (or wads left of my audience). It's almost 2 years since i entered poly as a freshie! wow fast eh.. but thats life.. it stops for no one... it just keeps going till u get left behind obsolete and dead.... Perhaps as emo as it may seems, many may find solace in being left behind for they will no longer be a burden to anyone except themselves. People tend to be overrated. they have been put on a pedestal of invincibility for too long that they just overlook any vulnerabilities they possess. Pride before a fall? Pride was something that they may have accumulated throughout instead of knowledge. For its is humility before acceptance and being to accept knowledge in it purest form without manipulation or prejudice against it.

The need to lead the need to perform the need to prove ourselves have so long been motivational forces. Time to rethink. Are these true motivation that is worth our effort. We can go around proving we are the best when it just take just one to prove we are not. When did Effort over Productivity Analysis became so unimportant just to move just a little bit closer to perfection. It's all about how we put things in perspective. Eye for Perfection is equally important as being productive. How do we make thing look perfect yet work effectively. Answer is being boils back down to humility and acceptance of the vulnerabilities. Then u can start to achieve both areas in balance. For most times we seek perfection we do things that are unproductive, Yet we be productive and end of the day our results look so mediocre. By being humble we can thirst and accept new knowledge more readily, Accepting vulnerabilities Allow us to look beyond our strength. Which is our weakness as all the time people are clouded by their strength which obscure their vision for they think they are too good for anything, anyone.
With this in mind, Despite having graded by a rigid and ineffective where personal portfolio are more important than student's well being. It makes it all too well obvious even our education is rigged. Providing condition where elites are those who are are people who excel in plain cold results but not their morality and principles. So much for wholesome education.
Anyway signing off tml is PBL Presentation.. zzz bye folks!